Lexie Williamson
Yoga for sport specialist and fitness writer. Author of Bloomsbury Publishing books The Stretching Bible, Move, Yoga for Runners and Yoga for Cyclists.
A British Wheel of Yoga and Yoga Sports Science ® qualified instructor Lexie has been teaching since 2006.
She offers athletes practical, functional techniques to improve flexibility, core strength, mental focus and resistance to injury. Alongside teaching Lexie works as a freelance fitness writer and writes books.
She has studied Sport and Exercise Science and Human Anatomy and Physiology and teaches anatomy and physiology to groups of trainee yoga teachers on the British Wheel of Yoga Diploma course


Yoga for runners

Yoga for cyclists

Yoga For Sport


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Why ‘I can’t touch my toes’ doesn’t mean you are inflexible
All yoga teachers will have heard the refrain ‘I’m so stiff, I can’t touch my toes!’ often paradoxically given as an excuse not to venture into the yoga studio in the first place. But an inability to bend down and reach your feet is only testing one main muscle group;...
A balance a day keeps the shin splints away
Unless you’re a seasoned barefoot runner, your feet are probably cushioned in shoes for most of the day. Unchallenged, the muscles of your feet and ankles can become weak and vulnerable both to acute injuries, such as twisted ankles, but also classic running overuse...
Why are women more flexible than men?
Firstly, women are generally more flexible than men, particularly in the hips and hamstrings. I have male students that buck this trend and can drop their forearms to the floor in a low lunge, job done. But ask most men to sit cross-legged and the discomfort is...